
Curs en anglès / Curso en inglés

Nihan Devecioglu is an experimental vocalist, performer and composer who has been trained in western classical music and opera singing. By integrating her technical abilities with an ongoing study of Improvisation, she created a common ground where her influences may interweave and emerge. Freely exploring the vast boundaries of musical expression on these premises, her singing and vocal practice are influenced by various musical genres and styles such as opera, avant-garde, world music, Turkish sufi as well as folk and contemporary art of various forms. In time, she has developed a free vocal practice that is grounded in her continuous search for understanding the cross-cultural and musical/technical boundaries.

Singing comes from our very nature. It brings us back to our homes- to our bodies and our breaths, as well as our present relationships with the world and the others around ourselves.

In this workshop, we do not learn how to sing. We do not make music. Together, we will uncover the music that already fills and surrounds us. We will peel the layers of protection that have been obstructing our true nature in order to get closer to our essence.

“The Essence of Voice” workshop aims to find and free our voices by connecting into sensing our bodies. Our tools will include breath, tone, touch, imagery and vocal improvisation. Using these tools, we will give voice to what we hear and what we feel.

This workshop is to embody the voice, to come more fully into our body, our sound, our music and our expressiveness, integrating and supporting the breath, the body, the being and the sound of an individual. All these aspects flow into, work together and continually act upon, serve and influence one another.

  • to land into the present moment.
  • to come to meet your body and feel more grounded.
  • to come to meet the information inside of yourself and within the music.
  • to become located in time and space, to feel where and how you inhabit and stand in your body, in space, in this moment.
  • to improvise and sing more freely and expressivelyç to become more fluent in the language of music.
  • to awaken the Listening skills both internally and externally.
  • to discover your own Voice and to open to a powerful experience of emotional, energetic and expressive aliveness that will help you to build up a more healthy relationship with yourself and others.

«what is the story of you and your voice?»

Tools/ Structure

  • warming up / bodywork
  • improvisation games in solos, duets and group
  • circle singing

Curs Passat:

Del: 26/10/2018 al 28/10/2018
26/10 de 15h – 20h, 27/10 de 11h-14h i de 15.30h a 20.30h i 28/10 d’11h-14h i de 15.30h a 18.30h.